Leadership Team Connections—Are you a...
- Merging or newly merged leadership team?
- Professional department that is scaling up…increasing your talent and execution?
- Newly formed leadership team of a small business?
Avoiding the leadership team "Poof Syndrome"
Common Story: Your organization is excited and full of expectations when putting together a leadership team. The potential idea-sharing, camaraderie, and achieving of goals is high. But it ... never... quite... comes to fruition. This is what I call the "Poof Syndrome". Let's put together a leadership team... and "Poof" they're a team! Without well explored strategies, designed for the team and organization, the best intentions often falter or fail before they begin.
To assure leadership teams have success, we customize all our programs based on your organizations strategy, goals and purpose, which in turn maximizes resources, time and talent. The methodologies used, enable your leadership teams to gain a deeper sense of self-awareness, ability to build deeper relationships while co-creating their platform from which they not only will ‘live’ the day to day, but have a foundation from which to stretch and achieve enduring forward progress, growth to connect with people on your team deeply and authentically, and to help the team to tap into their collective capacity for achievement?
Leadership Forum: Breakthrough from the Inside-Out
(Internal and Public)
Ideal for those Leading from the MIDDLE aka MVP Program (Most Visible Player)
- New leaders of an established department
- Emerging leaders in your business/organization
- Brand new professional department
- Leaders wanting to improve their self-awareness and relationship capacity
We believe MIDDLE leaders can be ‘bridges of possibility’ for organizations versus being the level wedged between senior management expectations and staff level realities. MIDDLE leaders can be translators of the vision, interpreters of the strategy and change agents building a resilient workforce while being a guiding force on the new journey…if they are developed to do so. The public program is customized based on the most current leadership research of the competencies necessary to succeed in our current environment. The internal program is a hybrid of customized topics and current leadership research trends.